Jul 2 Celebration in the Name of Canadia
Yes, we have Canada Day. It’s like Independence Day, except we asked nicely. Though if you aren’t aware of our national holiday, I’m not sure what you’re doing here.
Here are the events for this week:
- Tuesday Meeting: Tuesday, July 2, 6PM, MC 4063. Same meeting, different day, due to the aforementioned celebration of our home and native land. Our cosplay café event is upcoming and looking for volunteers, so this meeting would be a great place to throw your hat in the ring. As it were.
- Project Night: Wednesday, July 3, 6PM, SLC 2134/2135. Not content to let you go more than a week without its projecty goodness. Come to the SLC and find out what makes this weekly occasion worth being a regular event.
- Games Night: Friday, July 5, 4:30PM, MC 4058. More games night to satisfy your craving for games. You can thank us later.
There’s a secret code hidden across the last four news posts. If you can be the first to tell me the hidden word, you can win a prize! Just leave a comment on this news post.
And there you have it. Happy Canada Day, everyone.
Dylan “The proud Canadian” Mead
July 2nd, 2013 at 12:16 pm
The hidden word is “June”
I am the smertest.
July 8th, 2013 at 10:08 am
Indeed, “June” is the correct response. I wonder how many others noticed?
I will arrange some sort of prize.