Back to Business

After an irregular few weeks of events, perhaps there are those of us eager to get back to a normal schedule. Those of us would be boring, but we won’t fault you for it. Instead, we appreciate that you enjoy the events we have lined up, even if they are nothing new.

  • Monday Meeting: Monday, June 4, 6:30PM, MC 4063. If important decisions are being made about the operation of the club, it’s happening here. If you want to have your say in club business, come to meetings!
  • Project Night: Wednesday, June 6, 6:00PM, SLC 2143. Project night resumes its dominant role on Wednesdays. If you have stuff to work on, and would like a social setting to do so, this event is for you. Or perhaps you just want to hang out, perhaps play a game or two. General socializing is the name of the game. Except the name is actually projects. Don’t read too far into it. Just show up and have fun.
  • Games Night: Friday, June 8, 4:30PM, MC 4063. Now here’s an event that’s more direct with its intentions. Anime and game fans tend to overlap, which is why we have games night. Whether you’re a fan of board games, card games, or video games, you’re welcome at games night. Come play the games.

If that doesn’t satisfy your need for regularity, I don’t know what else will. Show up, sit down, have fun. Simple as that.

Dylan “Guelph’n it” Mead

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